Spring 2024 Semester Classes
Below is a breakdown of the classes we offered.
All-Morning Classes, 9:00 am - 11:50 am
Nursery - $0
We have a nursery available for infants-2 years old who have older siblings in the co-op. The nursery will have at least 2 adults in it at all times. There is no charge for the nursery; however, you will be responsible for providing all snacks, drinks, diapers, etc. for your child.
Preschool - $15
Available for 3 and 4 year old children who have older siblings in the co-op. There will be a variety of subjects covered through hands on learning and play. This class is a courtesy class for our younger children and is a supplement to anything they are learning at home with you. One class period will also be used for a snack/recess time. You will be responsible for all drinks and snacks for your child.
Kindergarten - $20
Students will stay in one classroom for the entire morning and will have some form of mathematics and reading, as well as other areas of learning. This class is a supplement to what your child is learning at home with you. One class period will also be used for a snack/recess time. You will be responsible for providing all snacks and drinks for your child.
1st Grade - $20
Students will stay in one classroom for the entire morning and will learn the basics for language, math, and science through science experiments and other hands on learning techniques. One class period will also be used for a snack/recess time. You will be responsible for providing all snacks and drinks for your child.
1st Period Classes, 9:00 am - 9:50 am
Lego Builders, 2nd-3rd grades - Class Fee: $5
Calling all young builders! Join us this semester to explore your creative side as we use our imaginations to bring to life amazing stories!
Paleontology, 2nd-3rd grades - Class Fee: $5
We will be using The Good and the Beautiful curriculum. Dinosaur discovery, fascinating fossils, archaeology and ancient artifacts, and more await in the Paleontology science unit!
U.S. States and Capitals, 2nd-3rd grades - Class Fee: $5
Learn about our states and capitals while also learning interesting facts about each state. This class will make state booklets and try different foods from the states we cover.
Camping Adventures, 4th-5th grades - Class Fee: $10
From setting up a campsite to cooking meals and campfire safety, this class will have everything you ever wanted to know about going camping!
Intro to U.S. Government, 4th-5th grades - Class Fee: $15
Students will learn about various landmarks, the history of politics, geography, civics, how voting works, and so much more with the use of the Gather Round curriculum.
Art, 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $15
Students will be learning and practicing different art techniques.
Yearbook, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $5
This class will co-create a photo yearbook for the co-op. Students may also get a brief overview of photography so they can take better photos. This class will help develop skills in photo composition, page layout, and design. Students will also develop their abilities to work as a team as they produce the yearbook. Personal cameras are not needed to take the class.
Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $0
Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.
2nd Period Classes, 10:00 am - 10:50 am
Choir, 2nd-3rd grades - Class Fee: $10
Choir class will consist of singing, learning to find the rhythm, and singing in harmony with each other. Class will also involve creative dancing and fun instruments they can move and play with. My goal is to have fun and have the kids learn and find their voice. Expression for ourselves and for the Lord can come in so many creative ways. I hope to create a path for them on their journey of life! I’m creating a mash up of songs that should be fun and challenging, but within reach for their age and abilities. We will be shooting to perform our efforts at the end of the semester so they can have a little fun!
Health and the Physical Body, 2nd-3rd grades - Class Fee: $5
Introduction to the unique way God created our bodies*, the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle, and how our cells work together to help us breathe, digest food, move, and much more! (We will be using The Good and the Beautiful science curriculum for this class if you'd like to look at what topics are covered on their website.) *NOTE: For your peace of mind, Week One covers how the body is formed, aka: how cells divide and grow, but does not go into any details of how babies are made.
P.E., 2nd-3rd grades - Class Fee: $5
P.E. Class will consist of fun exercising games. We will teach kids good exercise habits while having fun and exhibit good sportsmanship. Dodgeball, jump rope, soccer, basketball, and kickball are just some of the many activities we will be doing for the kids.
Art, 4th-5th grades - Class Fee: $15
Art comes in all forms, sizes, and is unique to each artist. This is a relaxed class that does not require expertise, but will require eagerness to be creative and get a little messy at times. We will dabble in many forms of art throughout the semester including, but not limited to collages, sculptures, mobiles, canvas art, paper mache, foil art, and so much more. Some projects will be big, some small, some completed in one session, and some will take weeks. It’s going to be great!
Latin America Unit Study, 4th-5th grades - Class Fee: $15
Students will be learning some of the traditions, customs, and history of a different Latin America country every week. We will get to explore and experience the different cultures through crafts, books, and recipes representing each country!
Crafting, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $10
Students will design unique creations using a variety of art media and not-so-traditional materials. Each class focuses on developing new skills, learning techniques, and expanding self confidence.
Crochet, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $10
Students will learn the basics of crochet. They will learn different stitches, how to read a pattern and create some fun things!
Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $0
Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.
3rd Period Classes, 11:00 am - 11:50 am
Basic/Beginner Gymnastics, 2nd-3rd grades - Class Fee: $5
This class will give kids a peek into the gymnastics world by learning entry level skills and technique. Thru basic skills and strengthening challenges, they will begin developing balance, strength, coordination and confidence. End of semester will include a gymnastics performance!​
Sharing Time (Show and Tell), 2nd-3rd grades - Class Fee: $5
We will have weekly themed show and tell items. Your child will get to talk about their items and then illustrate them on drawing paper. It gives them a chance to learn public speaking on a smaller scale.
Weather and Water, 2nd-3rd grades - Class Fee: $5
From thrilling storms and calming rains to heat waves and cold snaps, explore all the ways God keeps things growing and changing on our Earth. (We will be using The Good and the Beautiful science curriculum for this class if you'd like to look at what topics are covered on their website.)
Cooking, 4th-5th grades - Class Fee: $25
During cooking class you will learn how to set up your kitchen, read recipes, prep ingredients and make amazing looking dishes. We will not be an allergy friendly cooking class at this time. Kids will learn basic cutting skills, cooking over a stove, and utilizing the oven. The goal is to prep food for kids to eat as their lunch.
Dinosaurs, 4th-5th grades - Class Fee: $5
Let's stomp into the world of dinos! Students will learn about the dinosaurs from all three time periods of the Age of Reptiles. We will also dig into fossils and modern dinosaur discoveries.
Drama, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $5
This class will be focusing on activities, short scene performances, and improv games to help students build self-confidence as they learn drama and speech skills. These acting exercises focus on stage movement, using props, showing emotion through facial expression, movement with music, and speaking in front of an audience. Our goal is to develop effective oral expression and stage presence, as well as learning fundamental theater-related terms and concepts. **There may be one or two short monologues or dialogues they will be expected to memorize toward the end of the semester.
Historical Conquest, 6th-12th grades - $5*
Historical Conquest is a unique and exciting card game in which players create personalized societies of REAL heroes, villains, leaders, assassins, disasters, armies, and more from ACTUAL world history and battle them against one another. Each card is complete with fantastic illustrations and intriguing summaries of people, places, and events from world history. Students will learn history in a more fun and engaging way. A playing mat and a starter deck of playing cards are required for this class. *Additional fees, depending on what your student needs, will be charged after your student is registered for this class.
Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $0
Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.
All-Afternoon Classes, 1:00 pm - 3:50 pm
Nursery, Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade - $0
These classes will not have any formal teaching and are available free of charge for children with older siblings in the co-op who are attending the Afternoon Session. However, you will be responsible for providing all snacks, drinks, diapers, etc. for your children.
1st Period Classes, 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
(2nd-8th Grades)
Literature Adventures, 2nd-5th grades - Class Fee: $10
We will be reading different books and then doing projects such as crafts, cooking, or a game based on the book.
Guitar Continuation, 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $5
Only open for students from the Fall semester. Students who “pick” this class will learn to put the “strum” in “instrument.” This class is for students who have little or no experience playing guitar. The class will be working in one “A-chord” on a somewhat small “scale” as no more than 10 students will be in the class. Each student will need their own acoustic guitar.
World of Food (Cooking), 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $20
Grab a fork and travel the world! Each week we will be preparing a dish from a different country, whether it be a falafel or polish pizza. Students need to be willing to try the food, not just cook it.
Volcanology, 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $15
Come explore all things volcanoes. If you are an Earth Science lover, then this class is for you! We will use book work, videos and experiments to learn about all the wonders that volcanoes hold. Do you know that volcanoes can create their own lightning? We'll discover how that is possible and so much more. We will end the semester creating and erupting our own volcanoes.
Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $0
Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.
2nd Period Classes, 2:00 pm - 2:50 pm
(2nd-8th Grades)
Team Building Games, 2nd-5th grades - Class Fee: $5
We will play a variety of team building games where they will have to work together to be successful.
Crafting, 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $25
This class will be a combination of projects from paper mâché, mod podge paper on wood, painting, wood staining and finishing things like small wood boxes, jewelry making and possible floral design. This will be more of a craft class than actual art lessons, though they will learn the “how-to” of each project.
Homesteading, 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $25
If you sometimes dream of a simpler, more natural life that brings purpose and meaning, “Homesteading” is the class for you! This class will bring you back to your roots and give you the skills needed to be self-sufficient. This class grew out of a love for practical skills and the desire to share them with others in a society that has basically abandoned the idea of a self-sustaining environment. In this class, you will learn a number of skills, including: - Gardening - Learning About Bees - Making Soap - Making Natural Herbal Remedies - and All of the In-Between!
U.S. Constitution & Government, 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $10
This course is designed to teach students about the establishment and early development of America’s government through the study of the founding documents. We will establish how to determine truth, who the founders and framers were, and gain a deeper understanding of the principles that guided those who founded America’s Republic. A student workbook and all needed printed materials are included with the class fee. There will also be an adventure novel read aloud in class as we learn. Students will need pens, scissors, and glue sticks to complete their work.
Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $0
Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.
3rd Period Classes, 3:00 pm - 3:50 pm
(2nd-8th Grades)
Regions of the U.S.A., 2nd-5th grades - Class Fee: $15
Come learn about the states and regions of the United States! Each week we'll cover different states and regions of the U.S. using games, songs, and fun activities.
Astronomy, 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $5
Only open for students who did NOT take it in the Fall. Students will learn a wide array of subjects related to our universe. Learning topics include the solar system, life cycle of a star, black holes, human exploration of space, the International Space Station, and more. They will participate in astronomy experiments, give presentations, and explore astrophotography.
Chess, 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $10
This will be a fun filled semester of learning the fundamentals of how to play chess, different terminology, and how to strategize different tactics. At time of registration, please specify whether or not your student will need his/her own chess set.
Psychology 2: Behavior Analysis, 6th-8th grades - Class Fee: $20
You do not have to have taken Intro to Psych to join in. We are continuing the journey of the mind from a Christian perspective. We will use the second half of Gather Round curriculum, and then we’ll carry on with a study of personal and external behavioral analysis. This class will be a culmination of applicable scripture studies, study of interviews from some famous people around the globe, and a deep dive into our personal mind/brain connection. In simple terms, why do we/others act the way we do and how can we better approach the various situations life will throw our way.
Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $0
Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.
​1st Period Classes, 1:00 pm - 2:20 pm
(9th-12th Grades)
Anatomy and Physiology, Class Fee: $25
Only open for students from the Fall semester. This class will cover cardiopulmonary, histology, integumentary, digestive, nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal, and reproductive systems. Classes will consist of several labs which include dissections. Students will be expected to log on to google classroom for multiple assignments throughout the weekdays.
Drama, Class Fee: $15
This class will be rehearsing a play that will be performed at the end of the semester party! Skills we will be focusing on include stage movement, using props, showing emotion through facial and body expression, and speaking in front of an audience. ​**THERE WILL BE REHEARSALS OUTSIDE OF CLASS. I will do my best to keep these to an hour a week, but as we get closer to production, there will be a few that could extend to 3 to 4 hours in length as they practice in full costume with props, sound, and lighting changes. If we need props and costumes, I will always try to borrow items before making purchases to save everyone money. **If your child has never been in drama class or in a play, please contact stepupcoop@gmail.com prior to signing up. While drama is an amazing way to help students become more confident and "come out of their shell", this particular class is a bit much for beginners or those who are shy. I never want to push a child past their comfort zone and this is meant to be a fun and not intimidating!
Spanish 1B, ​Class Fee: $0
Only open for students from Spanish 1A in the Fall. The United States has the second-highest population of Spanish speakers in the world. In this Introduction to Spanish class, we will build vocabulary, learn verb conjugation, and practice speaking and writing. Students must have taken Spanish 1A in the fall semester.
Yearbook, Class Fee: $0
This class will co-create a photo yearbook for the co-op as well as learning about photography. For the yearbook portion, students will develop skills in photo composition, page layout, and design. Students will also develop their abilities to work as a team as they produce the yearbook. For photography we will go over the exposure triangle: ISO, Aperture, and Shutter Speed as well as a few other things like point of view, depth of field, etc. Bringing your own camera is preferred so you can learn how to use it better, but a personal camera is not required. If your child is bringing their own camera please let us know what it is when you register.
Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $0
Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.
2nd Period Classes, 2:30 pm - 3:50 pm
(9th-12th Grades)
Cooking (Take-Home Meals), Class Fee: $75
Moms, this one's for you: Not only will your child gain necessary cooking skills, but you'll also have one less meal to cook! Students will be cooking quick and easy dinners to take home for the whole family to enjoy.
Guitar Continuation, Class Fee: $0
Only open for students from the Fall semester. Students who “pick” this class will learn to put the “strum” in “instrument.” This class is for students who have little or no experience playing guitar. The class will be working in one “A-chord” on a somewhat small “scale” as no more than 10 students will be in the class. Each student will need their own acoustic guitar.
Movies as Literature, Class Fee: $25
Only open for students from the Fall semester. "Good movies tell good stories, and good storytelling requires the use of traditionally respected literary devices and techniques. With a little help from a study guide, many movies introduce the viewer to excellent literature that is being presented in a visual medium,” which is accessible and enjoyable for many, whether they’re avid readers or struggle with reading high school novels. Parents will be responsible for obtaining specific movies (whether by DVD, rental, or streaming service) for their student to watch at home two to four times over a period of about two weeks. Students will watch the designated movie at home, answer the questions to prepare for in class discussion of the literary device(s) of focus, and write an essay from a choice of prompts. Parents should plan for a maximum of 75 minutes per day, 5 days per week of work outside of the co-op class. Total time will depend on how many times your child watches the movie and their grasp of literary analysis. Quizzes for vocabulary, study guides, and essays will be completed at home and turned in using Google Classroom, so students will need access to a computer and the internet. Movies included: • The Three Musketeers (1993 production) • A Christmas Carol (1984 production) • The Importance of Being Earnest (2002 production) • The Wizard of Oz (1939 production) • The Miracle Worker (1962 production) • Charade (1963 production) • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005 production) • Hook (1991 production) • Life of Pi • Mr. Holland’s Opus • Remember the Titans • The 39 Steps (1935 production) • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001 production or 2002 extended production) • The Incredibles
Physical Science with Labs, ​Class Fee: $0
Only open for students from the Fall semester. Jump into an introduction to physics concepts with weekly labs and instruction in the Monday co-op. At home, students will have additional work that requires Google Classroom. Your student will need access to a computer and the internet.
Study Hall, 6th-12th grades - Class Fee: $0
Study Hall is for middle/high schoolers who need to do homework, study, or other busy work in a quiet environment. Each student must have busy work to do the entire class period.